Performing Artists have the talent and the capacity to interpret the words and sounds of others, poets and composers, choreographers, to express what others have devised.
But they also have something to say themselves! And this podcast is intended to offer them the opportunity to present their views, but also their approaches to solving problems that move us all.
Like everyone else, they are affected by the problems of everyday life, of life alltogether. With their often international vision, their creativity, they can inspire just as much as with their interpretations of great works on the stages of this world.

Corona – the end of Performing Arts? – Or a new beginning?!
It is a general consensus that no other event since World War II has hit the world as extensively and globally as the COVID19 pandemic. In many parts of the world, all events were cancelled, and so concerts, theatre and opera performances and festivals were also a victim of this situation.
How does the Performing Arts World react to this? What do the artists, those who are otherwise in the spotlight, have to say? How are they affected, artistically, mentally, economically?
Where do they see the future of Performing Arts after the end of the pandemic? Has it changed forever?
International artists give their personal answers to these and many other questions in this podcast. They give insight into what this crisis causes in them, what they think about, what moves them
Who is behind mypodcastis?
You would like to know more about the makers of this podcast?
Get to know producer Sascha Nader and host Rudolf Berger, who both have an intimate knowledge of the Performing Arts industry, by clicking here
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After speaking to opera artists our guest today is a TV celebrity in the German speaking world. Hans Sigl, best known to his fans for his lead role in the TV soap “Bergdoktor” (Mountain doc), talks to us about his experiences around handling the Pandemic, about how this affects the world where he is mostly at home now, the world of TV production.
But Hans Sigl is also a theatre actor, and he knows about the impact that the situation we go through has on the live performing arts. And he asks the (important) question if the actual crisis has not also put a magnifying glass on problems that our performing arts world has had for quite some time already!
Our previous episodes
Kristian Benedikt
Kristian Benedikt is today one of the most sought after spinto tenors. He has sung all over Europe and North America including New York’s Metropolitan Opera.
His life was not only hit by the pandemic like the one of many other stage performers, be he also contracted COVID late summer 2020 and had some difficult weeks to go through. But he also speaks about his recovery, his strength and faith in the future and wants go give hope to all of us.
Karen Kamensek
American-born conductor Karen Kamensek is one of the leading conductors in her generation. Of course, the ongoing pandemic continues to impact Karen’s season. We discuss this not so much from a personal point of view, but rather on the impact the crisis has on the music world on the two sides of the Atlantic.
But Karen has also interesting views and insights in how the future of classical might look like!
José Cura
José Cura is an exception. He is not only an all-rounder in the field of classical music, he also thinks about where the world of art is developing – far beyond the boundaries of opera and singing.
What remains of the artist if he lacks his audience? How does he deal with his fears and doubts?
The Corona crisis shows as if under a magnifying glass, where in truth the shoe has been pressing for a long time.
José Cura tries to give answers in this conversation.
Our future episodes with

Joseph Olefirowicz

Peter Mario Katona
Casting Director

David Pountney
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